
Nothing New Under the Sun

We are all rebels. Every generation decides at one point or another that the previous one mucked up the world, and the only difference is what they focus in on changing. Each week, I become increasingly more aware of this cultural push for individualism within the arts- mainly in the art realm (thank you, Etsy), DIY everything (hellooooo, Pinterest), and music ("My favorite band? I'm sure you've never heard of it- it's Indie"). It is fantastic that people with incredible ideas can share their incredible ideas with other people who have different incredible ideas. What a beautiful thing it is that genuinely talented artists and musicians have more opportunities to share their passions than ever before!

In the wake of this surge of creative sharing has come the inevitable "everyone is a musician/artist" mantra. Books, websites, apps, and tutorials are successful because formal education is being viewed as too old school. But are we trading quality for ease of accessibility? Every truly great musician will attribute their success to teachers who mentored, encouraged, and challenged them. Many of the greatest musicians and composers of all time learned by copying, note for note, others' musical scores. Hard work and learning from experienced teachers in person, is and always will be the most effective way to grow. Cultural values ebb and flow, but in this case, there is nothing new under the sun.

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