
Fine Arts? Lackluster Lyrical Lines and the Like

"Fine Arts" is a phrase I have been contemplating.  We all have our own understanding of what constitutes "art."  Music is typically lumped in this category, but is the musical output of this present culture quality enough to be branded as "fine art?" Today, let's take a look at lyrics.

So when we found that we could not make sense, well, you said that we would still be friends.  But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over.  But you didn't have to cut me off; make out like it never happened and that we were nothing.  I don't even need your love.

Don't ... tell me... I don't care... if you're hurt... I won't... tell you... you don't care... if you're true...

So what, we get drunk; so what, we smoke weed; we're just having fun; we don't care who sees; so what, we go out- that's how it's supposed to be living young and wild and free.

These lyrics come from three songs that are currently in the top 12 Billboard hits in the nation.  Where is the artistry?  Where is the clever lyricism?  Forget the music itself for a moment-- are these lyrics works of art?  FINE art, at that?  The first set of lyrics reminds me of a middle school break up note.  I'm not even sure what the second set is attempting to convey.  The third leaves nothing for the listener to contemplate.  It simply states.  It doesn't paint a picture.

Now, on the other other hand, also topping the Billboard are, what I would consider lyrical art.  Here are a few examples:

I set fire to the rain- watched it pour as I touched your face; let it burn while I cry 'cause I heard it screaming out your name

Yesterday we were just children playing soldiers, just pretending, dreaming dreams with happy endings; in backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords.  But now we've stepped into a cruel world where everybody stands and keeps score

I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air.

What a difference!  These snippets don't simply state an emotion-- they paint a vivid picture of one instead.  The listener goes from being a spectator on another's emotions to understanding those emotions.  Unfortunately, this type of thoughtful writing is not prevalent in most music or poetry.

Words have the ability to convey truth and meaning, but also to inspire imagination and passion!  Let's challenge passively absorbing simplicity in the art we consume by seeking out music that contains a wealth of lyrical richness.

Over the next two weeks, we will delve into the artistry of how instruments are utilized and the musical form itself.


God, My Heart, and Music

Bob Kauflin contributed a chapter about how we ought to view music in an excellent collaborative book titled "Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World" and has some excellent suggestions on ways we can use music to benefit our souls and honor the Savior:

"Broaden your musical tastes: Music is neither a demon to be feared nor a god to be idolized. It's simply a part of God's creation intended to serve His glory and our good. That means we can appreciate a wide variety of different styles and expressions of music. But when it comes to music, most of us know what we like and like what we know. We rarely venture out into new styles and genres. In fact, we excel at mocking the tastes of those we think are less musically informed- people who like country, opera, or pop, for instance. Try asking your friends with different musical tastes to suggest songs or albums you should listen to. Discover what they enjoy about a particularly style or artist and what aspect of God's glory you might be missing by not listening to it."

"Listen to old music: Human beings have been making music at least since the fourth chapter of Genesis, where we are told that Jubal 'was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe.' A lot of music has been written, sung, and recorded since then. And yet we can still think the best music is what was produced in the past ten years, or worse, what's coming out next month. Music that stands the test of time is worth giving our attention to. That doesn't mean everything written in the past is great music. But we're shortsighted, proud, and poorer if we never appreciate the music God has given us throughout history."


Nothing New Under the Sun

We are all rebels. Every generation decides at one point or another that the previous one mucked up the world, and the only difference is what they focus in on changing. Each week, I become increasingly more aware of this cultural push for individualism within the arts- mainly in the art realm (thank you, Etsy), DIY everything (hellooooo, Pinterest), and music ("My favorite band? I'm sure you've never heard of it- it's Indie"). It is fantastic that people with incredible ideas can share their incredible ideas with other people who have different incredible ideas. What a beautiful thing it is that genuinely talented artists and musicians have more opportunities to share their passions than ever before!

In the wake of this surge of creative sharing has come the inevitable "everyone is a musician/artist" mantra. Books, websites, apps, and tutorials are successful because formal education is being viewed as too old school. But are we trading quality for ease of accessibility? Every truly great musician will attribute their success to teachers who mentored, encouraged, and challenged them. Many of the greatest musicians and composers of all time learned by copying, note for note, others' musical scores. Hard work and learning from experienced teachers in person, is and always will be the most effective way to grow. Cultural values ebb and flow, but in this case, there is nothing new under the sun.